Are you looking to start a small business in Oklahoma? Would you like to know where to find information on business plans, marketing plans, financing, state government legislation? A few good resources are:
1. Oklahoma Small Business Development Center
The Business Center offers free counselling, loans more information and grants information, a business plan guide to download, has a library of guide information and lists offices near you in the state.
If you go to the Oklahoma state section on the sba site you can find an 08-’09 Oklahoma Small Business Resource Guide. This includes’ a director’s message, information on doing business in Oklahoma, SBA staff listing, getting started information, regulations, financing, government contracts, counselling and technical assistance and a wide variety of resources. There is also some information on buying a business and financing. If you are looking to start a home based business there is a good articles on guidelines, legal requirements and some things you should think about.
3. Starting and Operating a Business in Oklahoma
If you are looking for a structured legal outline about starting a business in Oklahoma there is a site called It will give you an exact outline of the different types of legal entities, business acquisitions, oklahoma taxes and other requirements, employer requirements and state sources.
4. Oklahoma Department of Commerce
If you are looking for small business advocacy the site lists the Oklahoma Small Business Advocacy Committee. There is contact information and examples of how the committee can help small business owners.